Pouring ladle

Ladle lined with a refractory lining, from which the melt is poured into the molds. Fig. 1 shows a ladle without a refractory lining with a mechanical gear. Generally, these ladles are called pouring ladles when they are used solely for pouring. Often, however, the so-called tapping ladle or transport ladle are also used directly for pouring. Caution is advised when, for example, the magnesium treatment is carried out in the tapping ladle. However, this should not be used as a pouring ladle as there is an increased risk of the formation of slag inclusions (dross).

Casting ladles are usually moved with a crane or overhead conveyors; ladles with a siphon are used to hold back slag (tea-pot principle). Fig. 2 (Küttner GmbH & Co. KG)shows such a ladle schematically. This is a Mg-treatment ladle with a lid and a pocket for the pre-alloy in the ladle bottom.

The ladles are tilted or swiveled during casting, whereby in addition to purely mechanical drives, electromechanical drives and hydraulic tilting devices are also used (Fig. 3).

Additional references:
Plug ladle
Refractory products

  • Fig. 1: Pouring ladle with planetary gear (SandTeam.cz)
  • Fig. 2: Siphon ladle (schematic), (Küttner GmbH & Co. KG)
  • Fig. 3: Pouring ladle in a hydraulic tilting unit (Künkel Wagner Germany GmbH)