foundry-lexicon. com - partnership with foundries

Our partners from mechanical engineering, the foundry supply industry, related branches of industry, research institutions and institutes are currently successful in the individual key words under "Related Companies". This is an excellent opportunity - far more than just advertising - to emphasize the expertise of the respective company and to give the user of valuable help in solving their problem.

Now we would like to invite foundries to become active here. With relevant key words, it is possible to clearly present the experience of the foundries and to demonstrate the expertise in the manufacture of these cast parts. This leads to a strengthening of the image and through direct interaction with the possible customers (click on the banner) it attracts the greatest possible attention among the desired target group. You can see examples with the keywords cast iron, low-temperature toughness or phosphorous eutectic and structure formation of cast iron. Make use of this offer, we support you in every way.

Kind regards and good luck!
Dr. mont. Stephan Hasse